Hi, I’m Tracey Anne
I’ve been in the yoga game for, like, a really long time. Long enough to be pretty freaked about the advent of broga, yoga for getting laid, and whatever other new thing folks are on about.
The practices of Yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda have kept me sane and healthy through a number of hellish circumstances. I think they can help you, too. I practice because I want to get free in my body and brain and I teach because I want everyone else to get free too.
Here’s the thing, y’all: the path to liberation isn’t paved with rainbows and soft fluffy clouds. This is work of full frontal self confrontation; body, mind, and soul. It’s uncomfortable. It’s also really fucking fun and can keep you looking hot in spandex way past 40.
Plus, if you do more than just the poses, you might find some peace. Like for real peace that isn’t attached to how many dollars you have or if your boo is a babe or whatever.
If you wanna do some asana, meditate, or learn how to integrate better habits into your daily life, stick around.